Baa, Baa, Black Sheep - CoComelon Nursery Rhymes


 Baa, Baa, Black Sheep - CoComelon Nursery Rhymes

Nursery rhymes Youtube are a great way for kids to learn about their environment and the world around them. They’re also a fun way to get your children singing along with you, which can be an excellent exercise for those who need some extra motivation in order to sing more often. 

Baa, Baa, Black Sheep

Baa Baa black sheep, have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full.

One for the master, one for the dame

One for the little boy who lives down the lane

Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full.

Baa Baa blue sheep, have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full.

One for the master, one for the dame

One for the little boy who lives down the lane

Baa baa blue sheep, have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full.

Baa Baa pink sheep, have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full.

One for the master, one for the dame

One for the little boy who lives down the lane

Baa baa pink sheep, have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full.

Baa Baa white sheep, have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full.

One for the master, one for the dame

One for the little boy who lives down the lane

Baa baa white sheep, have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full

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