The Shape Song - Learning Songs


 The Shape Song - Learning Songs

Kids learning songs are a great way to introduce young children to the joys of music and promote cognitive, emotional, and social development. These songs often feature catchy melodies, simple lyrics, and interactive elements that help engage children and enhance their learning experience. 

The Shape Song

Popular topics for kids' songs include letters and numbers, animals, colors, and seasonal themes. Learning songs can be taught in a variety of settings, including preschools, daycare centers, and at home. By incorporating music into their daily routine, children can develop important skills such as language acquisition, motor coordination, and memory retention.

I'm a little triangle, look at me

I have three sides, don't you see?

Can you count them: 1, 2, 3

I'm a little triangle look at me

I'm a little circle, oh what fun

I look just like the sun

My one side goes round and round

Only one side can be found

I'm a little rectangle, won't you sing my song

Two sides are short and two are long

I look just like the door

Count my sides: 1, 2, 3, 4

I'm a little square, let me make you smile

I look like a bathroom tile

Count my sides and say my name

My four sides are exactly the same

I'm a little triangle, look at me

I have three sides, don't you see?

Can you count them: 1, 2, 3

I'm a little triangle look at me

I'm a little circle, oh what fun

I look just like the sun

My one side goes round and round

Only one side can be found

I'm a little rectangle, won't you sing my song

Two sides are short and two are long

I look just like the door

Count my sides: 1, 2, 3, 4

I'm a little square, let me make you smile

I look like a bathroom tile

Count my sides and say my name

My four sides are exactly the same

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